Polishing Teaching Practices with Teacher Training Workshop

Paramount is the place of guru, a teacher, who takes the students towards the path of knowledge and success. An old proverb in Sanskrit is “Guru Brahma Gurur Vishnu Guru Devo Maheshwaraha GuruSaakshat Para Brahma Tasmai Sree Gurave Namaha” which means Guru personifies supreme gods Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva as he creates, prolongs knowledge and eradicates the darkness of ignorance. A teacher training workshop is the attempt to get the same top place of teachers in a student’s life.

Ever wondered what made the teachers equate with the status of deities. A teacher is the only person in one’s life that could tell the difference between good and evil. Imparting qualitative education, the experience of the world and instigating them for learning are the features of a skilled teacher. A skilled teacher not only impersonates self-confidence but also awakens a thinker lies dormant within the student. A teacher can see through the students and awakens their limitless potential. 

Teachers are the strongest pillar of our education system that bears the burden of cultivating efficient students, turn into strength and workforce of the nation. A teacher is a leader in a classroom that has to head a gathering of potential thinkers and make a relationship more than teacher-student. Creating a relationship more than teacher-student is essential where a teacher is not a person concerned to test your knowledge instead teacher is focused to create an atmosphere students learn, explore and keen to discuss. 

Education for the children between age group 6-14 year is made compulsory with the amendments in the constitution that states elementary education is essential as well as mandatory. Constitutional amendments make things mandatory but the kind of interest students must observe in education can never be attained by making laws and mandating anything. For better elementary teachers in schools, there is an urgent requirement of primary teacher training that could provide essentials of primary teaching in the most inevitable manner.

When it comes to any amendments in the education sphere, we fail to recognize that everything turns into a fiasco when there is a dearth of trained teachers that could realize the learning needs of the students. A trained teacher is capable of understanding the learning requirements of students. Teachers are trained in accordance with the newest changes that occur in the education domain. The intervention of technology in education is the latest change that has left last longing influence and positive effect on the procedures of education.

Indian school education is divided into pre-primary, primary, secondary and higher secondary level. Education at every stage of life is significant and cannot be ignored be it pre-primary, primary, secondary, senior secondary. Every step is a gradual gain in the acquaintance of a student which demands a skilled and trained teacher every time. Teacher training programme has helped to abridge the gap created in recent years, between the relation of teachers and students.


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